Cosmetic & Implant Dentistry Center

Health News Article- Dental Health and Stress

Oct 2, 2012 @ 12:08 PM — by Jose Valenzuela
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Article Title: Stress bites: And too much of it leads to poor oral health

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Through this health news article, the effects of stress on oral health are examined.  Researchers have found that sugary foods and poor oral hygiene are not the only culprits when it comes to dental health.  The body’s reaction to stressors can actually trigger changes to saliva.  Any changes in your saliva can attack your teeth, ultimately causing harm and even tooth loss.

Dr. Jose Valenzuela knows the implications of tooth loss, and is constantly describing how oral health can be improved for his patients.  Dr. Valenzuela has seen the effects of tooth loss first hands with his patients, and uses the latest dental technology to help regain smiles.

As a specialist in dental implants, Dr. Valenzuela can help patients eat and smile naturally after tooth loss.  But trying to prevent tooth loss is important.  That is why Dr. Valenzuela advocates good oral care, regular dental checkups, and eating plenty of fruits and vegetables. 

In addition, Dr. Valenzuela also recommends avoiding too much stress.  Since stress can negatively impact your saliva and your teeth, you should find ways to calm yourself and stay relaxed.  Find ways that you can maintain your stress so you can maintain your overall health.

For more information about how stress affects your dental health, contact Dr. Jose Valenzuela and read the health news article listed above!