Stages of Gum Disease
We all know that the best way to have a great smile is to take good care of your teeth. What many people neglect to realize is that it’s just as important to take care of your gums. For this reason, it’s important that you brush your teeth at least twice daily and floss every day. This will help keep your teeth healthy and prevent gum disease from developing. The team here at our practice can do more that provide patients with Imperial Valley dental implants. Here we want to discuss dental health issues that are related to the gums and help you enhance your overall health.
Gum disease essentially involves the swelling and discoloration of the gums that then leads to the gums receding around the teeth. In a health mouth, the gums are a normal pink color and support the teeth normally and firmly as usual. Plaque can accumulate in the small spaces between the tooth and the gumline. Flossing can clean up much of this plaque.
The first stages of gum disease, generally called gingivitis, will involve plaque getting into the small spaces between the tooth and gums leading to inflammation and discoloration. (Generally at this stage the gums may appear reddish or violet instead of pink.) Bleeding gums are not uncommon at this point, and are a sure sign of dental problems to come.
The next stages of gum disease are varying levels of periodontitis. In the first stages of periodontitis, the discoloration and swelling of the gums deepens, and a larger pocket is formed between the tooth and the gumline. Your gums may not support your teeth as sturdily as they had in the past due to the level of structural damage that is occurring. If this goes untreated, advanced periodontitis can develop, which involves major damage to the bone structure and fibers that support your teeth. At this point, you may need to have teeth extracted as they may be beyond saving.
There are many treatments to consider for gum disease and missing or damaged teeth that come as a result of gum disease, including Imperial Valley dental crowns and dental implants. To learn more about your options for enhanced dental care and improved dental health, contact our cosmetic dentistry practice serving Imperial Valley.